Handball in Schools


The New Zealand Handball Federation is actively encouraging Handball being played in schools. We can support schools wishing to introduce Handball to their students by providing coaching guidelines and simplified rules, and in some cases we can also loan equipment and balls.

We are keen to see inter-school competitions and will help organise those. If your school plays handball and wishes to play against another school, please reach out to us. We want to help make that happen.

The NZHF currently focuses it’s effort on developing youth/school handball in Auckland, Wellington, Canterbury, and Otago regions. If your school is outside of these regions, we still warmly encourage you contact us; if we can help grow Handball in your area we are keen to do so, otherwise we might be able to help your players travel to your closest handball competition.

In 2024 there were 2 tournaments held in Auckland during Term 2 and a bigger tournament in Wellington during Term 3.

2025 Competitions

Auckland is planning the next Inter-School Champs on June 6th. Details to be released at the end of Term 1.
Wellington is having a 3-day handball festival! This is organised with the help of Primary Sport Wellington, and will be a series of tournaments for Years 7 and 8 students from PSW’s membership. This tournament series will be followed by a regional championship for which schools from the wider Wellington Region can also qualify. For more information on any of these or future events, please contact us.
Canterbury and Otago regions have ongoing competitions. You can find out about those here and here, respectively.


Auckland - coming soon

Wellington - Register Now (see poster below)

Canterbury - coming soon

Otago - coming soon

More information

Here is video to help you get started with Handball in your school. (Please check the youtube channel for more videos due to be released during March 2025.)