Here you will important documents related to operating the New Zealand Handball Federation.

NZHF Constitution

NZHF Policies

NZHF Expense Reimbursement

The NZHF will expense reimburse any reasonable expense incurred on behalf of NZHF. This may include partial or full travel reimbursement when traveling with the NZHF, refereeing payments, gear purchase and many others. For a full understanding of the process please see our Expenditure Policy below. If you are looking to submit an expense please click the link below;

Please note;

  • Any payment you are seeking from NZHF (that isn’t officially invoiced) needs to be submitted through this process.

  • Payments will be approved by your manager (or NZHF Exec) before payment is made.

  • Payments will be made on the Second and Fourth weekend of each month.

  • Where ever possible receipts (NOT just a screenshot of a bank transaction) should be included as proof of expenditure. If this is not possible put an explanation as to why.

  • (Expenditure Policy to be developed)